Director: Jonathon Levine
Amber Heard/Mandy Lane
Michael Welch/Emmett
Anson Mount/Garth
Whitney Able/Chloe
Aaron Himelstein/Red
Edwin Hodge/Bird
Luke Grimes/Jake
Melissa Price/Marlin
Plot: Mandy Lane is beautiful and sweet and is loved by all. When she is invited to a ranch party with five friends it'll turn into a weekend of terror as someone with a shotgun is offing off each teen one by one to get Mandy alone.
I had to review this movie, because it is a personal favorite of mine. It is a very underrated movie. This film is my second favorite film, RIGHT after High Tension. You can probably already guess this will be a rave review...and you're right. It will be! I fucking LOVED this movie.
Everything about this movie was astounding. In an age of remakes and pussified horror films, it was a breath of fresh air to see a slasher film that reeked of the 70s and 80s slasher films, while still having an original twist. AMAZING!
The direction has a 70's, indie feel to it. It's a tad grainy and it's perfect. He milks out the scares and gets some genuine suspense in there. I also pat the director on the back for having as much of the film take place in the daylight as in the night. Usually that can take away the suspense, but the day had a dread feeling to it and was still scary.
Soundtrack wise, again perfect! It's trippy and creepy and really pulls you deeper into the movie. The songs they use fit the movie. They're all oldies and they make the movie have even more of an old feel.
Acting wise...again everyone was on the ball! They casted young actors who LOOK like teenagers. The stand outs though were Amber Heard, Michael Welch, and even Whitney Able. Amber's role is cleverly written and she brought so much depth and levels to it. She had a naive sexiness to her that really worked. I'm a gay male, but even i fell in love with Mandy Lane. I first saw this movie back in 2006 and i still to this day think Amber is one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen...maybe even the MOST beautiful. Michael Welch was great in his role and brought a much needed sympathy to his character. Great! Whitney played the skinny anorexic looking slut who's also the bitch. Usually i hate those characters...but she added so much depth. She came off so vulnerable and sad and tad pathetic even. She actually made me feel for her.
These actors all had great characters to work with as well. A lot of them aren't the nicest people...but i still liked them all and rooted for them all to make it. They started off as stereotypes, but as the movie went on, they began to break down and they became real people who i cared for. Even the black guy was treated normally...THANK GOD!
With the gore, it wasn't gory. But the deaths are brutal and the killer was ANGRY here! I loved the deaths! They were well staged and well shot!
The movie might be one of the most realistic slasher films ever made because it actually deals with real issues like Columbine or Virginia tech. They brought it into a more realistic light, and that is one of the main reason why i love it.
Any negatives? Very minor ones. My favorite part of slasher films are the chase scenes and granted this movie had a couple of them...but they could've been developed longer! They seemed more like good starts to good chase scenes rather than full chase scenes. That's about it for my flaws.
How long can i go on praising this movie for? A LONG TIME! There is so much more i can say, but i don't want to bore you folks. But this is, in my personal opinion, the best american slasher film made in years. Like i said this movie is a personal favorite of mine. You may not agree with this review, but fuck it! I love this movie!
Wow. Good work, my friend! I also gave this movie ten out of ten. A brilliant and unforgettable masterpiece! Bye from Italy!