Director: Dave Parker
Sophie Monk/Alexa Concannon
Tad Hilgenbrink/Tyler
Janet Montgomery/Serina
Alex Wyndham/Lalo
William Sadler/Wilson Wyler Concannon
Tyler is a horror movie obsessed geek who is out to find the legendary film The Hills Run Red which has only been seen once by public. It was deemed as too scary and gory. He finds the director’s daughter, and they, along with Tyler’s girlfriend, Serina and best friend Lalo set out to find the lost film. But what the quartet finds is much worse. The movie is NOT done being finished.
Color me surprised! I saw the movie, thinking it would be good, but nothing more than just good or okay. I actually LOVED it! The movie is definitely one of my favorite movies of 2009 thus far. The film had a brutal edge that is missing from most movies these days. Thankfully the film lived up to its R-rating. Usually when a movie is gory, it isn’t scary. Sometimes it feels like a movie can be one or the other, but never both. Obviously there are exceptions (like Inside or Haute Tension…both French films) but this film…shows you that it can be both. This is one of those exceptions. The movie was really suspenseful in places and put out some NICE gory death scenes, my favorite being the tree scene. You’ll know it when you see it. I knew from the opening scene, that this film would be different.
The movie isn’t just good death scenes though; the characters themselves were developed and likable. I actually felt myself rooting for them. But they weren’t perfect and moral and did all the right things. They were flawed people who did bad things. Sometimes they were even a bit selfish or oblivious. But the flaws made me care for them, because it made them more realistic and relatable. I especially related to the character of Tyler. He’s a horror obsessed geek who would do anything for the sake of a horror film. I grew up LOVING horror films. I didn’t grow up on Disney like most kids. I grew up watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street…all the originals of course. So I saw a lot of me in Tyler. I would do anything for a horror film. I don’t know if I would be quite as oblivious as he was though. His girlfriend, Serina, ends up becoming a different kind of heroine. She isn’t perfect. She’s immoral and makes mistakes like any other human being. She isn’t completely behind Tyler’s search for the film and isn’t always trying to help others. The friend Lalo was okay. He was the most boring of the group. I liked him though. He seemed like a chill dude, and he got me to crack a few smiles. The character that blew me away though would be Alexa, who was brilliantly played by Sophie Monk. The character had so many facets and I never knew where they were going with her. It was nice to be surprised in a horror film for once.
Acting wise, EVERYONE was on the ball. Sophie Monk stole the show though. Her character had so many facets, and she hit every single one of them. She was sexy, bad, vulnerable, sweet, and so much more. This girl was amazing. William Sadler, in his limited screen time was amazing and really rocked. The other three were great and did what they had to do. Hilgenbrink was great as Tyler and was pretty cute to boot. Call me boy… ;-) Wyndham as Lalo did good, but Montgomery as Serina was amazing. Yes all she really had to do was run and scream, but she really seemed to be terrified. Her screaming was almost heartbreaking; she really put everything she had into this role.
The directing and soundtrack was great. They really pulled me into the movie more than it could have. Parker even milked a lot of suspense and scares out of his film. Great job man! Kudos!
This movie could be considered “torture-porn” but it is so much more than that. It is a great film. It reminds me more of a slasher film, with torture in it. It even has a bit of an 80’s feel to it, a GREAT time for horror.
Onto Babyface though. We have Freddy, Michael, and Jason. Let’s add Babyface to the list. He was one BADASS killer. He wears a Babyface mask sewn onto his face and a bright red jacket and wears a necklace with a rattle tied around his neck. It is his death rattle. He is a killer to be afraid of. He scared the shit out of me and was a big part of what made the movie worked.
The whole film side of the movie was great. It was a nice twist and made it seem even more fucked up then what it was.
Any flaws? Yeah, I have a few. One of my bigger flaws, was that as awesome as the gore was, the blood was a little to CGI in places. The scenes with practical gore were the best. Personally practical effects are the ONLY way to go. I despise CGI. I also think the gore didn’t go as far as it could have, but I’ll let that slide. I heard more than ten minutes were chopped off the movie.
As likable and flawed as the characters were, they did to some selfish moves that had me almost not like them in places. One scene in particular is when one character gets attacked and their friends says fuck it and goes to run for it. These are supposed to be a close group of friends…but in real life, who knows what we would do? This is probably more realistic...but still I feel like they could've fixed the characters...
This leads me to my biggest flaw of the movie. The first half or 3/4 of the film was amazing...when it was just being a plain old slasher film. It was clever, fun, and even creepy. But then the last block hit and the movie lost me here. It became torture porn and...I'm not a torture fan. I don't mind some of it in my horror films...but when it comes down to it, it never scared me. I'm not a Saw fan...and I thought Hostel was okay...but I prefer slasher films. So the last half hour became just kind of boring and ridiculous to me.
These few flaws didn’t tarnish a thing. It is still a strong scary and gory film that knows what it is. It provided some new twists to the genre that is getting old…and is NOT a remake which is good in my books. This film should have gotten a theatrical release!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Jennifer's Body (2009)
Director: Karyn Kusama
Megan Fox/Jennifer
Amanda Seyfried/Needy
Johnny Simmons/Chip
Adam Brody/Nikolai
Kyle Gallner/Colin
Jennifer Check is beautiful and she knows it. Every boy wants her. She and her best friend Needy (no joke) go to a bar to watch an emo-rock band, but when the bar breaks down, the next time Needy sees Jennifer she is a she-bitch from hell who survives off of eating boys. Damn right!
What will make or break this movie is do you like Diablo Cody's writing style? If you do then you'll probably enjoy this movie. If not, then most likely not. BUT she definitely tones down the dialogue from Juno. It is NO WHERE near as "indie and hip" as Juno's dialogue was. Notice how i put indie and hip in quotes. Exactly! But i'm not a basher of Juno. I actually really like the movie (8/10)...but i found it to be kind of pretentious. But i think Diablo seems like a cool chick and i dig her writing style. Yes it can get annoying, but it is different. On to the movie though!
From the plot alone, it sounds like a cheesy 80s, B-movie. And that is EXACTLY what we got here...but with a budget and great acting. Not saying its a bad thing =D. The movie was just really entertaining. I can't say it was good per se. But i had a GREAT time with the movie. The cast was top notch. Megan Fox was good...but she didn't have to stretch much, but was good in the role. I want to see her in a meaty role one day to see if she can TRULY act, but girl did good...and she is HOT. The person that stole the show though was Amanda Seyfried. She made Needy so likable and adorable and i really rooted for the girl! She was so sweet and shy...but ulgy my ass! That girl is HOT! I may be in the minority but i actually prefer her to Megan. Johnny as Chip did good. And I want mention Kyle Gallner as Jennifer's goth boy victim. I really dug him and wanted more of his character. I found his character likable, cute, sweet, and he just turned me on big time. I wanted more of him!
The direction was great! It was full of energy and had some great shots! The soundtrack as well was great. I loved the score and those "sell-them-soundtrack" pop/rock songs weren't bad.
The deaths were pretty cool. I loved how Jennifer had to seduce the men before eating them. But my favorite aspects of the movie would be the relationships. Needy really seemed to want Jennifer (all about that kiss...HOT MAN!). Was it because she wanted her or because she looked up to her? She would really do anything for her. The two girls had great chemistry and i really felt for their relationship as it went to shit. Needy's relationship with Chip was so genuine and sweet and it was just cute.
One of my favorite scenes of the movie would be when Jennifer is seducing a boy and getting ready to eat him, but it inter cuts with Needy and Chip as they're getting ready for their first time making love. The different moods were so different. The scenes with Jennifer were so viscous and sexy, and then when it would switch to Amanda where it's innocent and sweet.
Flaws? Yes i have a bunch. LOL. One of my biggest flaws would be how it wanted to be both funny and scary. When it came to being funny, yes it made me laugh but it wasn't as hilarioius as it thought it was. And it fared even worse with the scares. Except for one tense scene, there was no suspense in this house. The balance act was OFF! When it came to sex and gore? Too much was off screen for my taste...and i feel like there should have been nudity. It would've made the movie even better to my liking and cemented that 80's B movie feel. Some of the dialogue was bad. I like Diablo's writing, yes, but it can get putrid sometimes and sometimes that happened here. The movie felt like it was trying to be a LOT more clever than it was. It was going for a Heathers feel...but Heathers did it better. The movie just felt a bit pretentious.
In the end though, i really liked the movie. Loved it? No. Enjoyed the fuck out of it? HELL YES! I appreciate what the movie was trying to do. It was trying to be different and be clever, and i appreciate trying to be different way more than being dumb or a remake! =D
Megan Fox/Jennifer
Amanda Seyfried/Needy
Johnny Simmons/Chip
Adam Brody/Nikolai
Kyle Gallner/Colin
Jennifer Check is beautiful and she knows it. Every boy wants her. She and her best friend Needy (no joke) go to a bar to watch an emo-rock band, but when the bar breaks down, the next time Needy sees Jennifer she is a she-bitch from hell who survives off of eating boys. Damn right!
What will make or break this movie is do you like Diablo Cody's writing style? If you do then you'll probably enjoy this movie. If not, then most likely not. BUT she definitely tones down the dialogue from Juno. It is NO WHERE near as "indie and hip" as Juno's dialogue was. Notice how i put indie and hip in quotes. Exactly! But i'm not a basher of Juno. I actually really like the movie (8/10)...but i found it to be kind of pretentious. But i think Diablo seems like a cool chick and i dig her writing style. Yes it can get annoying, but it is different. On to the movie though!
From the plot alone, it sounds like a cheesy 80s, B-movie. And that is EXACTLY what we got here...but with a budget and great acting. Not saying its a bad thing =D. The movie was just really entertaining. I can't say it was good per se. But i had a GREAT time with the movie. The cast was top notch. Megan Fox was good...but she didn't have to stretch much, but was good in the role. I want to see her in a meaty role one day to see if she can TRULY act, but girl did good...and she is HOT. The person that stole the show though was Amanda Seyfried. She made Needy so likable and adorable and i really rooted for the girl! She was so sweet and shy...but ulgy my ass! That girl is HOT! I may be in the minority but i actually prefer her to Megan. Johnny as Chip did good. And I want mention Kyle Gallner as Jennifer's goth boy victim. I really dug him and wanted more of his character. I found his character likable, cute, sweet, and he just turned me on big time. I wanted more of him!
The direction was great! It was full of energy and had some great shots! The soundtrack as well was great. I loved the score and those "sell-them-soundtrack" pop/rock songs weren't bad.
The deaths were pretty cool. I loved how Jennifer had to seduce the men before eating them. But my favorite aspects of the movie would be the relationships. Needy really seemed to want Jennifer (all about that kiss...HOT MAN!). Was it because she wanted her or because she looked up to her? She would really do anything for her. The two girls had great chemistry and i really felt for their relationship as it went to shit. Needy's relationship with Chip was so genuine and sweet and it was just cute.
One of my favorite scenes of the movie would be when Jennifer is seducing a boy and getting ready to eat him, but it inter cuts with Needy and Chip as they're getting ready for their first time making love. The different moods were so different. The scenes with Jennifer were so viscous and sexy, and then when it would switch to Amanda where it's innocent and sweet.
Flaws? Yes i have a bunch. LOL. One of my biggest flaws would be how it wanted to be both funny and scary. When it came to being funny, yes it made me laugh but it wasn't as hilarioius as it thought it was. And it fared even worse with the scares. Except for one tense scene, there was no suspense in this house. The balance act was OFF! When it came to sex and gore? Too much was off screen for my taste...and i feel like there should have been nudity. It would've made the movie even better to my liking and cemented that 80's B movie feel. Some of the dialogue was bad. I like Diablo's writing, yes, but it can get putrid sometimes and sometimes that happened here. The movie felt like it was trying to be a LOT more clever than it was. It was going for a Heathers feel...but Heathers did it better. The movie just felt a bit pretentious.
In the end though, i really liked the movie. Loved it? No. Enjoyed the fuck out of it? HELL YES! I appreciate what the movie was trying to do. It was trying to be different and be clever, and i appreciate trying to be different way more than being dumb or a remake! =D
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sorority Row (2009)
Director: Stewart Hendler
Briana Evigan/Cassidy
Leah Pipes/Jessica
Rumer Willis/Ellie
Jamie Chung/Claire
Julian Morris/Andy
Margo Harshman/Chugs
Carrie Fisher/Mrs. Crenshaw
Audrina Partridge/Megan
Plot: Five sorority sisters are trying to show their sixth sister's boyfriend how it is after cheating on Megan. But when the prank goes wrong leaving someone dead, eight months go by and soon they're all getting mysterious text messages. Someone knows what they did, and soon the girls are getting killed off in semi-gory ways.
I'm going to start this review with this, I'm a huge fan of The House on Sorority Row (1983). It wasn't a perfect movie, but i loved it. When the remake was announced I wasn't devastated but whatever, what can we do?! I actually had high hopes for the film becasue the trailer made it look like a good old fashioned slasher flick...i LOVE THOSE! Did it reach my expectations?
I'll start with the good. The girls were gorgeous and they can act! I don't know if Audrina can act since she had one scene, but from what i saw, maybe its good she only had one scene. But everyone else did what they had to do. They weren't asked for much but they got the job done. My favorite would be Briana Evigan as Cassidy. She made a very likable heroine, and actually had me rooting for her to survive. She was great as the moral one of the group with a conscious. The person who seems to be getting a lot of buzz is Leah Pipes as Jessica. She was really funny, yes. She was great in the role, but i didn't see why everyone loved Jessica so much? She had great one liners that made me laugh, but her character was completely flat! She had like no depth. She was just an outright bitch, and when she died, she deserved it. She showed no remorse for anyone. But i had loved to hate her! Margo was great as Chugs. She was funny and i wanted to see more of her. Everytime she or Leah Pipes (Jessica) opened their mouths i would laugh. Rumer was decent as Ellie, I guess, All she had to do was scream and cry and that got a tad annoying. Jamie as Claire actually surprised me. I wasn't expecting her to be good, but she got the job done. One of my favorites though would be Carrie Fisher, she had a HOOT with the role and i had fun watching her! Loved her with the shotgun! The guys though in this film were either boring...or were playing douche bags. Although they were quite good looking! So probs for hiring such a great looking cast. They reeled me in deeper into the...and I wanted to get reeled into some of those guy's pants. Just sayin'
What surprised me, is that I actually found myself liking some of the girls and I didn't want to see some of them go. I stress the word some.
The directing was gorgeous. He has a great hand. But the movie was too jump scare! Where's the suspense?! Not in this movie.
The movie had a GREAT morbid dark humor to it that i couldn't get enough of. It was actually probably my favorite part of the film.
The deaths were somewhat inventive and cool and had some decent blood. They weren't gory, but they got the job done. I wouldn't have minded more gore, but that is because I'm a sick fuck. The tire iron, was okay looking, but honestly I didn't find it to be a scary looking weapon. The deaths were mean and i loved how most of them were through the mouth LOL!
I didn't like the killer's costume...i found it to just be so boring and generic. What the fuck were they thinking with that SHIT costume. I wouldn't be scared of this asshole while having a bad acid trip in a haunted house on halloween night.
But for the first hour or so, i was having a good time. I was enjoying the movie big time. But it's the last half hour is where everything REALLY falls apart for me. It was just stupid as hell! Granted, the first hour wasn't very smart but it got the job done, but in the last half hour, intelligence was just THROWN out of the building. The worst would be the reveal of the killer. I guessed it at the beginning and it was utterly ridiculous. It was even worse when a red herring was released just before he was revealed. I wanted to throw up at that scene! It was just so random and BADLY written. Then there's the character revelation at the end that saves the day out of nowhere. Again it was random, and it made NO sense to who her character was. There was no character arc or evolvement. It just came out of NOWHERE.
Plus, where were my chase scenes?! You can't have a good old fashioned slasher film with out them?!
I would comment on the soundtrack but i don't remember it, so i guess it didn't bother me...or stand out to me either way.
I do love how at the end the survivor(s?) are walking out of the burning house looking hot and pouting in slow motion as some "Hip" song plays in the background...because that is what i would do obviously.
If the last act was fixed up and the characters were more developed and if the movie would have actually been suspenseful or scary, i would have liked the movie more. Too bad...this could've been better. But I still had an okay time with the movie.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Drag Me to Hell (2009)
Director: Sam Raimi
Alison Lohman/Christine Brown
Justin Long/Clay Dalton
Lorna Raver/Mrs. Ganush
Plot: Christine has just pissed off a gypsy when she declined giving her an extension on her house. Instead of being a normal human being, the gypsy curses her and now Christine will be dragged down to hell in three days. Oh shit!
This was my one of my most anticipated movies of 2009...and it did NOT disappoint! It was Sam Raimi's return to the horror genre, where i believe he rightfully belongs. I mean come on! Look at his Evil Dead trilogy...AMAZING! I especially love the original Evil Dead (1981). So yes you could say i was excited for this movie, plus i thought the trailer was AMAZING.
Plot wise, it's a simple movie and that works. It was all about scaring the living shit out of you, and the movie did that perfectly. It was also about making you laugh until your gut busts, which it also did perfectly! Think Evil Dead 2 if it was pg13. I know that's a strange comparison but that is what we got here. I was always jumping or laughing or sometimes both at the same time. Hell yes i was having a great time. It didn't even FEEL like a Pg13 film! It was so gooey, that I forgot it wasn't rated R. It sure felt like it did. I never wanted it to end. Usually a movie has an epic scene or two where you are always going to remember it and quote it all the time...for me the movie had at LEAST four, my favorite one being the seance scene. Wait till you see it! Everything about that scene is done so well. (FYI, I can quote this scene perfectly now!)
The directing is amazing. Raimi hasn't lost his charm. He's always on the move and is always filming in weird angles like we love. It's true Raimi-fashion! He really knows how to combine the laughs with teh scares. Not many directors can do that.
The script itself is very well written and VERY clever. One of my favorites would have to be the soundtrack though. Christopher Young IS my favorite composer for movies. I especially love his horror film soundtracks, my favorite being Hellraiser 2. The soundtrack to this movie reminded me of a cross between Evil Dead 1, Evil Dead 2, and Hellraiser 2. EPIC!
Acting wise, everyone was ON THE BALL!!! I was ALWAYS on Alison's side. She was great in the role and really conveyed a lot of depth and emotion and made me care for her. Justin was great in the straight man role. He's a good actor and i always like him. Plus he has a dorky cute quality to him. Lorna Raver was funny and scary as fuck! Job well done!
It helped that all the characters were great and well written. The best is our heroine Christine. She is a flawed woman who just wants to get that promotion but she still has a conscious and feels bad about what she did. Plus she's an ass kicker and has one of the best one liners this side of Bruce Campbell. (I beat you old bitch!) Her boyfriend was cute and lovable so there you go.
This is the best time i had at the movies all year, with My Bloody Valentine 3D (9/10) being a close second.
Any flaws to spit out? A couple. The CGI was weak in a few spots and i just overall prefer practical effects. I think practical effects are always the way to go and don't look AS cheesy as CGI effects. That was my biggest peeve. The CGI actually pulled me out of the film at points - No bueno! Plus there was a plot turn that is really obvious and makes the last act kind of predictable, but this was pretty minor, because the final act was still EPIC!
Overall this was was one of the BEST times I had in 2009. I actually ended up seeing this film FOUR times last summer. My DVD has gone on to be watched many more times. It's a great horror film.
Friday, September 4, 2009
A Perfect Getaway (2009)
Director: David Twohy
Steve Zahn/Cliff
Timothy Olyphant/Nick
Milla Jovovich/Cydney
Kiele Sanchez/Gina
Marley Shelten/Cleo
Chris Hemsworth/Kale
Plot: Three couples are traveling through Hawaii when a pair of killers are on the loose. Could any one of these couples be the killer? Suspense ensues!
I'm not going to lie but i didn't go into this movie with very high hopes. I saw the trailer and thought it looked like a generic action/thriller. It didn't look good to me. But i went and saw it anyway. Color me surprised!
I actually ended up really digging the film! Granted it WAS generic and i did see a lot of the twists coming. And the big "ending" you won't see coming, i knew was going to come from watching the trailers alone...but it didn't tarnish my enjoyment of it. I had a great time watching this movie.
The characters were likable and i was rooting for all of them. My favorite would definitely have to be Nick and Gina. I thought they both kicked ass! I wanted to have fun and hike along with them. It has a slow buildup the movie, but it didn't' bother me. I like a slow buildup sometimes, but then it lets everything loose in the last act...and a great last act it is. We go through a lot of action, and suspense, and great chase scenes. I was LOVING it! The movie was full of tension.
The actors all did great and really made each of theri characters stand out. You can always count on Steve, Milla and Timothy though. Milla is a favorite of mine, so whenever she pops up in a horror or horror-ish film, it is always a pleasure for me. This movie is no different. I especially love when she has a good character to work with.
The direction was beautiful and he really milked the scenery for all its worth. I want to go to Hawaii!!! He milked a LOT of suspense and tension out of the film and at some points I was truly on the edge of my seat. There is one chase scene towards the end that I was biting my nails in anticipation for.
The soundtrack got the job done and echoed the visuals perfectly, but it all comes down to the script...and the script was pretty tight and clever. The dialogue was always sharp and witty and was my favorite part of the film.
Of course there are flaws. As smart as the movie was and as suspenseful as it was, i still saw the last block coming from a mile away. I just wish i didn't know how it was going to end, because i found it a tad predictable. This tarnished some of the suspense for me in the end. There were also a couple plot holes, and the "red herrings" were way too obvious. But i still had a great time with this movie. Another flaw I had with the film was with the characters of Kale and Cleo (ably played by Chris Hemsworth and the great Marley Shelton). They were drastically underused and I wanted more of them in the film. Plus there characters were obviously only in the film for one reason.
But overall, I was still surprised by this film. Sometimes I love having low expectations, because a film can seem even better.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)
Director: Jonathon Levine
Amber Heard/Mandy Lane
Michael Welch/Emmett
Anson Mount/Garth
Whitney Able/Chloe
Aaron Himelstein/Red
Edwin Hodge/Bird
Luke Grimes/Jake
Melissa Price/Marlin
Plot: Mandy Lane is beautiful and sweet and is loved by all. When she is invited to a ranch party with five friends it'll turn into a weekend of terror as someone with a shotgun is offing off each teen one by one to get Mandy alone.
I had to review this movie, because it is a personal favorite of mine. It is a very underrated movie. This film is my second favorite film, RIGHT after High Tension. You can probably already guess this will be a rave review...and you're right. It will be! I fucking LOVED this movie.
Everything about this movie was astounding. In an age of remakes and pussified horror films, it was a breath of fresh air to see a slasher film that reeked of the 70s and 80s slasher films, while still having an original twist. AMAZING!
The direction has a 70's, indie feel to it. It's a tad grainy and it's perfect. He milks out the scares and gets some genuine suspense in there. I also pat the director on the back for having as much of the film take place in the daylight as in the night. Usually that can take away the suspense, but the day had a dread feeling to it and was still scary.
Soundtrack wise, again perfect! It's trippy and creepy and really pulls you deeper into the movie. The songs they use fit the movie. They're all oldies and they make the movie have even more of an old feel.
Acting wise...again everyone was on the ball! They casted young actors who LOOK like teenagers. The stand outs though were Amber Heard, Michael Welch, and even Whitney Able. Amber's role is cleverly written and she brought so much depth and levels to it. She had a naive sexiness to her that really worked. I'm a gay male, but even i fell in love with Mandy Lane. I first saw this movie back in 2006 and i still to this day think Amber is one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen...maybe even the MOST beautiful. Michael Welch was great in his role and brought a much needed sympathy to his character. Great! Whitney played the skinny anorexic looking slut who's also the bitch. Usually i hate those characters...but she added so much depth. She came off so vulnerable and sad and tad pathetic even. She actually made me feel for her.
These actors all had great characters to work with as well. A lot of them aren't the nicest people...but i still liked them all and rooted for them all to make it. They started off as stereotypes, but as the movie went on, they began to break down and they became real people who i cared for. Even the black guy was treated normally...THANK GOD!
With the gore, it wasn't gory. But the deaths are brutal and the killer was ANGRY here! I loved the deaths! They were well staged and well shot!
The movie might be one of the most realistic slasher films ever made because it actually deals with real issues like Columbine or Virginia tech. They brought it into a more realistic light, and that is one of the main reason why i love it.
Any negatives? Very minor ones. My favorite part of slasher films are the chase scenes and granted this movie had a couple of them...but they could've been developed longer! They seemed more like good starts to good chase scenes rather than full chase scenes. That's about it for my flaws.
How long can i go on praising this movie for? A LONG TIME! There is so much more i can say, but i don't want to bore you folks. But this is, in my personal opinion, the best american slasher film made in years. Like i said this movie is a personal favorite of mine. You may not agree with this review, but fuck it! I love this movie!
Final Destination 4 (2009)

Director: David Ellis
Bobby Campo/Nick
Shantel VanSanten/Lori
Nick Zano/Hunt
Haley Webb/Janet
Plot: Kids cheat death. Death goes after them.
I'm a BIG fan of the original Final Destination (8/10). I found it to be an original movie full of wit and some good suspense and scares and likable characters. I loved it! Then Final Destination 2 (7/10) came around and I liked it. Did I love it? Not really! It was too jokey and comical for my liking. But I still liked it, enjoyed it, and had a good time with it. But Final Destination 3 (5/10) came out in 2006 and I was disappointed to say the least. It wasn't what what I was hoping for. But now Final Destination 4 (yes I know it's called The Final Destination but I think that title sucks) was just released...and oh boy...
I'll begin with the good stuff. The death scenes were gory and brutal. The deaths weren't as extravagant as the first three films...but I still saw blood. They had a nice mean streak to them. I was having a good time whenever one of these "people" were about to die. As a whole I was "enjoying" the movie on a complete surface level. It was fast, short, and didn't waste time. The morbid humor had too. They really axed ANY meat this film could've had. I was having a good time...but here's the thing...that's all it was.
The opening crash...pretty bland in my opinion. It didn't excite me and I found it to be boring. As the movies go on, the opening premonitions seem to get worse to me. The first two films had GREAT opening premonitions, and I even REALLY liked the roller coaster from the third film. BUt the premonition in this film was just...bad in my opinion.
There was NO PLOT to this movie! It was just death scene after death scene after death scene...and you got it. I can TELL this movie was edited since all of its meat and story was gone! I love my mindless splatter films, but I still like there to be some time of story behind it all. I need something. What about the characters you may ask? Who cares is all I have to say?! These are hands down the LEAST developed characters of the series so far! I honestly didn't give a fuck about any of them one bit. I just wanted them ALL to die. Come on movie! You have to at least give me ONE character to root for! But everyone in this film was boring or annoying. And I thought the characters in FD3 were bad, but at least in that film I had Wendy, Kevin, and Ian to root for. Wendy was a GREAT character. Here i cared about no one. Although the main guy, Bobby Campo, was hot. I'll give them that. Even his girlfriend was cute. I love redheads since i'm a redhead myself. But again they were so paper thin i cared about no one. Granted the character played by Nick Zano (Hunt) was a fun character. I laughed with him...but thats about as far as it got. But I can't say I actually liked his character. He just made me laugh.
Acting wise...uneven. People were on. People were off. No one really truly stood out to me except for Nick Zano. He was the only one who seemed to have a good time and added life to his lifeless role. But other than him...nada. But i have a feeling this had to do more with the craptastic script. It's not like the people had much to work with in terms of substance. Better luck next time with these folks. I especially want to see more of Bobby Campo, now there's a hot guy! ;) Too bad his acting was atrocious.
The least they could of done was have an awesome finale. I feel like the last entry and this one didn't have one. They just ended and that was that, while the first two had awesome endings and final destinations so to speak. I don't know how to explain this, but this film just seemed to lack a finale.
Overall i won't lie, I had fun...but i just wished there was more in terms of story and characters. I know i'm weird. It's a horror film. Most people don't care but I do. I'm not asking for Hamlet, just give me some likable characters especially a great hero or heroine, good gore, some suspense and a well written script. It's NOT that hard.
Lets hope that Final Destination 5 is better...
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