America wake up!
Why do you keep releasing all these crappy horror remakes?! Enough with the new Nightmare on Elm Street and the new Friday the 13th! Either make a sequel or STOP disrespecting these classics. When it came to the Nightmare remake, I legit walked out on it. I thought it was a piece of shit. I will one day finish review...for you guys...DON'T MAKE ME!!! PLEASE!!! =[
Which brings me to this, I KNOW there is good horror out there! We have Adam Green's Hatchet 2, which got ousted from theatres after three days. WHAT THE FUCK America?! A non remake and UBER gory slasher film that was released unrated! This could have changed the horror genre in this country forever...but instead as usual you fuck things up =/
And not only Hatchet 2. At least that will make it to DVD. We have a certain indie flick, a personal favorite of mine, that has been waiting to be released for years. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane. It was supposed to be released in 2006...and well I'm still waiting for it America. Instead I've been treated to the Prom Night remake and The Omen remake and The Fog remake and EVEN that PATHETIC The Stepfather remake...does anyone else notice a trend here? All the Boys Love Mandy Lane is one of the best and most original slasher films I've seen in my life. It is in my top ten favorite movies and has one of the best endings to a film. Why has it not been released yet? It would be a hit!
Then we have the new Australian horror masterpiece, The Loved Ones. I can tell you right now this will be another Mandy Lane. Who knows when it will see the light of day. It was a perfect movie and it was EVERYTHING I love about the horror genre - great acting, likable characters, brutal violence/gore, suspense, scare, and morbid humor. THe film was perfect! Just give this a theatrical release! Lola could be the next big horror villain. We haven't really had a good villain to add to the list of the greats (Jason, Freddy, Michael, Leatherface, Chucky, Pinhead and the Cenobites) and I'm sorry but Jigsaw does NOT count. Lola could be added to this list. She is scary as shit.
I'm not saying all remakes are bad. If you can improve upon a film, fine! Go for it! But if the film is already perfect *cough*Halloween*cough* why bother remaking it? You're only going to embarrass yourself. So I am begging America to wake up and to stop ruining the one thing I care about more than anything else in the world - Horror Films. We can still save it, if we start now. What happened when horror films were made with heart? Now they're all made with money in mind.
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